From 5b497080cce37c71343a8308c7c4edbe1a0a9dfd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Apocalypse Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2023 16:28:38 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] CK41 Reborn --- CK41/ | 214 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 214 insertions(+) create mode 100644 CK41/ diff --git a/CK41/ b/CK41/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e12b57 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK41/ @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +#!/usr/bin/python +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +import subprocess, os, random, string, sys, shutil, socket +from itertools import cycle, izip + +rDownloadURL = {"main": "", "sub": ""} +rPackages = ["libcurl3", "libxslt1-dev", "libgeoip-dev", "e2fsprogs", "wget", "mcrypt", "nscd", "htop", "zip", "unzip", "mc", "mysql-server"] +rInstall = {"MAIN": "main", "LB": "sub"} +rMySQLCnf = "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".decode("base64") + +class col: + HEADER = '\033[95m' + OKBLUE = '\033[94m' + OKGREEN = '\033[92m' + WARNING = '\033[93m' + FAIL = '\033[91m' + ENDC = '\033[0m' + BOLD = '\033[1m' + UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' + +def generate(length=16): return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for i in range(length)) + +def getIP(): + s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) + s.connect(("", 80)) + return s.getsockname()[0] + +def getVersion(): + try: return subprocess.check_output("lsb_release -d".split()).split(":")[-1].strip() + except: return "" + +def printc(rText, rColour=col.OKBLUE, rPadding=0): + print "%s ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐ %s" % (rColour, col.ENDC) + for i in range(rPadding): print "%s │ │ %s" % (rColour, col.ENDC) + print "%s │ %s%s%s │ %s" % (rColour, " "*(20-(len(rText)/2)), rText, " "*(40-(20-(len(rText)/2))-len(rText)), col.ENDC) + for i in range(rPadding): print "%s │ │ %s" % (rColour, col.ENDC) + print "%s └──────────────────────────────────────────┘ %s" % (rColour, col.ENDC) + print " " + +def prepare(rType="MAIN"): + global rPackages + if rType <> "MAIN": rPackages = rPackages[:-1] + printc("Preparing Installation") + for rFile in ["/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend", "/var/cache/apt/archives/lock", "/var/lib/dpkg/lock"]: + try: os.remove(rFile) + except: pass + os.system("apt-get update > /dev/null") + printc("Removing libcurl4 if installed") + os.system("apt-get remove --auto-remove libcurl4 -y > /dev/null") + for rPackage in rPackages: + printc("Installing %s" % rPackage) + os.system("apt-get install %s -y > /dev/null" % rPackage) + printc("Installing libpng") + os.system("wget -q -O /tmp/libpng12.deb") + os.system("dpkg -i /tmp/libpng12.deb > /dev/null") + os.system("apt-get install -y > /dev/null") # Clean up above + try: os.remove("/tmp/libpng12.deb") + except: pass + try: + subprocess.check_output("getent passwd xtreamcodes > /dev/null".split()) + except: + # Create User + printc("Creating user xtreamcodes") + os.system("adduser --system --shell /bin/false --group --disabled-login xtreamcodes > /dev/null") + if not os.path.exists("/home/xtreamcodes"): os.mkdir("/home/xtreamcodes") + return True + +def install(rType="MAIN"): + global rInstall, rDownloadURL + printc("Downloading Software") + try: rURL = rDownloadURL[rInstall[rType]] + except: + printc("Invalid download URL!", col.FAIL) + return False + os.system('wget -q -O "/tmp/xtreamcodes.tar.gz" "%s"' % rURL) + if os.path.exists("/tmp/xtreamcodes.tar.gz"): + printc("Installing Software") + os.system('tar -zxvf "/tmp/xtreamcodes.tar.gz" -C "/home/xtreamcodes/" > /dev/null') + try: os.remove("/tmp/xtreamcodes.tar.gz") + except: pass + return True + printc("Failed to download installation file!", col.FAIL) + return False + +def mysql(rUsername, rPassword): + global rMySQLCnf + printc("Configuring MySQL") + rCreate = True + if os.path.exists("/etc/mysql/my.cnf"): + if open("/etc/mysql/my.cnf", "r").read(14) == "# Xtream Codes": rCreate = False + if rCreate: + shutil.copy("/etc/mysql/my.cnf", "/etc/mysql/my.cnf.xc") + rFile = open("/etc/mysql/my.cnf", "w") + rFile.write(rMySQLCnf) + rFile.close() + os.system("service mysql restart > /dev/null") + printc("Enter MySQL Root Password:", col.WARNING) + for i in range(5): + rMySQLRoot = raw_input(" ") + print " " + if len(rMySQLRoot) > 0: rExtra = " -p%s" % rMySQLRoot + else: rExtra = "" + printc("Drop existing & create database? Y/N", col.WARNING) + if raw_input(" ").upper() == "Y": rDrop = True + else: rDrop = False + try: + if rDrop: + os.system('mysql -u root%s -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS xtream_iptvpro; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS xtream_iptvpro;" > /dev/null' % rExtra) + os.system("mysql -u root%s xtream_iptvpro < /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/database.sql > /dev/null" % rExtra) + os.system('mysql -u root%s -e "USE xtream_iptvpro; UPDATE settings SET live_streaming_pass = \'%s\', unique_id = \'%s\', crypt_load_balancing = \'%s\';" > /dev/null' % (rExtra, generate(20), generate(10), generate(20))) + os.system('mysql -u root%s -e "USE xtream_iptvpro; REPLACE INTO streaming_servers (id, server_name, domain_name, server_ip, vpn_ip, ssh_password, ssh_port, diff_time_main, http_broadcast_port, total_clients, system_os, network_interface, latency, status, enable_geoip, geoip_countries, last_check_ago, can_delete, server_hardware, total_services, persistent_connections, rtmp_port, geoip_type, isp_names, isp_type, enable_isp, boost_fpm, http_ports_add, network_guaranteed_speed, https_broadcast_port, https_ports_add, whitelist_ips, watchdog_data, timeshift_only) VALUES (1, \'Main Server\', \'\', \'%s\', \'\', NULL, NULL, 0, 25461, 1000, \'%s\', \'eth0\', 0, 1, 0, \'\', 0, 0, \'{}\', 3, 0, 25462, \'low_priority\', \'\', \'low_priority\', 0, 1, \'\', 1000, 25463, \'\', \'[\"\",\"\"]\', \'{}\', 0);" > /dev/null' % (rExtra, getIP(), getVersion())) + os.system('mysql -u root%s -e "USE xtream_iptvpro; REPLACE INTO reg_users (id, username, password, email, member_group_id, verified, status) VALUES (1, \'admin\', \'\$6\$rounds=20000\$xtreamcodes\$XThC5OwfuS0YwS4ahiifzF14vkGbGsFF1w7ETL4sRRC5sOrAWCjWvQJDromZUQoQuwbAXAFdX3h3Cp3vqulpS0\', \'\', 1, 1, 1);" > /dev/null' % rExtra) + os.system('mysql -u root%s -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO \'%s\'@\'%%\' IDENTIFIED BY \'%s\' WITH GRANT OPTION; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" > /dev/null' % (rExtra, rUsername, rPassword)) + try: os.remove("/home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/database.sql") + except: pass + return True + except: printc("Invalid password! Try again", col.FAIL) + return False + +def encrypt(rHost="", rUsername="user_iptvpro", rPassword="", rDatabase="xtream_iptvpro", rServerID=1, rPort=7999): + printc("Encrypting...") + try: os.remove("/home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/config") + except: pass + rf = open('/home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/config', 'wb') + rf.write(''.join(chr(ord(c)^ord(k)) for c,k in izip('{\"host\":\"%s\",\"db_user\":\"%s\",\"db_pass\":\"%s\",\"db_name\":\"%s\",\"server_id\":\"%d\", \"db_port\":\"%d\"}' % (rHost, rUsername, rPassword, rDatabase, rServerID, rPort), cycle('5709650b0d7806074842c6de575025b1'))).encode('base64').replace('\n', '')) + rf.close() + +def configure(): + printc("Configuring System") + if not "/home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/" in open("/etc/fstab").read(): + rFile = open("/etc/fstab", "a") + rFile.write("tmpfs /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/streams tmpfs defaults,noatime,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=1777,size=90% 0 0\ntmpfs /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=1777,size=2G 0 0") + rFile.close() + if not "xtreamcodes" in open("/etc/sudoers").read(): + os.system('echo "xtreamcodes ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/iptables, /usr/bin/chattr" >> /etc/sudoers') + if not os.path.exists("/etc/init.d/xtreamcodes"): + rStart = open("/etc/init.d/xtreamcodes", "w") + rStart.write("#!/bin/bash\n### BEGIN INIT INFO\n# Provides: xtreamcodes\n# Required-Start: $all\n# Required-Stop:\n# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5\n# Default-Stop:\n# Short-Description: Run /etc/init.d/xtreamcodes if it exist\n### END INIT INFO\nsleep 1\n/home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/ > /dev/null") + rStart.close() + os.system("chmod +x /etc/init.d/xtreamcodes") + os.system("update-rc.d xtreamcodes defaults") + os.system("update-rc.d xtreamcodes enable") + try: os.remove("/usr/bin/ffmpeg") + except: pass + if not os.path.exists("/home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/tv_archive"): os.mkdir("/home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/tv_archive/") + os.system("ln -s /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/bin/ffmpeg /usr/bin/") + os.system("chown xtreamcodes:xtreamcodes -R /home/xtreamcodes > /dev/null") + os.system("chmod -R 0777 /home/xtreamcodes > /dev/null") + os.system("chmod +x /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/ > /dev/null") + os.system("chattr -i /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/GeoLite2.mmdb > /dev/null") + os.system("mount -a") + if not "" in open("/etc/hosts").read(): os.system('echo "" >> /etc/hosts') + if not "" in open("/etc/hosts").read(): os.system('echo "" >> /etc/hosts') + if not "" in open("/etc/hosts").read(): os.system('echo "" >> /etc/hosts') + os.system('apt-get install unzip e2fsprogs python-paramiko -y && chattr -i /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/GeoLite2.mmdb && rm -rf /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/admin 2>/dev/null && rm -rf /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/pytools 2>/dev/null && wget -q "" -O /tmp/ -o /dev/null && unzip /tmp/ -d /tmp/update/ && cp -rf /tmp/update/XtreamUI-master/* /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/ && rm -rf /tmp/update/XtreamUI-master && rm /tmp/ && rm -rf /tmp/update && chown -R xtreamcodes:xtreamcodes /home/xtreamcodes/ && chmod +x /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/ && /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/ && find /home/xtreamcodes/ -type d -not \( -name .update -prune \) -exec chmod -R 777 {} +') + os.system("sed -i 's|echo \"Xtream Codes Reborn\";|header(\"Location:\");|g' /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/wwwdir/index.php") + os.system("sudo wget -q -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl") + os.system("sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl") + +def start(first=True): + if first: printc("Starting Xtream Codes") + else: printc("Restarting Xtream Codes") + os.system("/home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/ 2>/dev/null") + os.system("chattr +i /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/GeoLite2.mmdb") + +def modifyNginx(): + printc("Modifying Nginx") + rPath = "/home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/nginx/conf/nginx.conf" + rPrevData = open(rPath, "r").read() + if not "listen 25500;" in rPrevData: + shutil.copy(rPath, "%s.xc" % rPath) + rData = "}".join(rPrevData.split("}")[:-1]) + "\n server {\n listen 25500;\n index index.php index.html index.htm;\n root /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/admin/;\n\n location ~ \.php$ {\n limit_req zone=one burst=8;\n try_files $uri =404;\n fastcgi_index index.php;\n fastcgi_pass php;\n include fastcgi_params;\n fastcgi_buffering on;\n fastcgi_buffers 96 32k;\n fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;\n fastcgi_max_temp_file_size 0;\n fastcgi_keep_conn on;\n fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;\n fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $fastcgi_script_name;\n }\n }\n#ISP CONFIGURATION\n\n server {\n listen 8805;\n root /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/isp/;\n location / {\n allow;\n deny all;\n }\n location ~ \.php$ {\n limit_req zone=one burst=8;\n try_files $uri =404;\n fastcgi_index index.php;\n fastcgi_pass php;\n include fastcgi_params;\n fastcgi_buffering on;\n fastcgi_buffers 96 32k;\n fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;\n fastcgi_max_temp_file_size 0;\n fastcgi_keep_conn on;\n fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;\n fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $fastcgi_script_name;\n }\n }\n}" + rFile = open(rPath, "w") + rFile.write(rData) + rFile.close() + +if __name__ == "__main__": + printc("CK41 MOD - Reborn by", col.OKGREEN, 2) + rType = raw_input(" Installation Type [MAIN, LB]: ") + print " " + if rType.upper() in ["MAIN", "LB"]: + if rType.upper() == "LB": + rHost = raw_input(" Main Server IP Address: ") + rPassword = raw_input(" MySQL Password: ") + try: rServerID = int(raw_input(" Load Balancer Server ID: ")) + except: rServerID = -1 + print " " + else: + rHost = "" + rPassword = generate() + rServerID = 1 + rUsername = "user_iptvpro" + rDatabase = "xtream_iptvpro" + rPort = 7999 + if len(rHost) > 0 and len(rPassword) > 0 and rServerID > -1: + printc("Start installation? Y/N", col.WARNING) + if raw_input(" ").upper() == "Y": + print " " + rRet = prepare(rType.upper()) + if not install(rType.upper()): sys.exit(1) + if rType.upper() == "MAIN": + if not mysql(rUsername, rPassword): sys.exit(1) + encrypt(rHost, rUsername, rPassword, rDatabase, rServerID, rPort) + configure() + if rType.upper() == "MAIN": modifyNginx() + start() + printc("Xtream UI 22 CK41 MOD Reborn", col.OKGREEN, 2) + printc("Admin UI: http://%s:25500" % getIP()) + if rType.upper() == "MAIN": + printc("Please store your MySQL password!") + printc(rPassword) + else: printc("Installation cancelled", col.FAIL) + else: printc("Invalid entries", col.FAIL) + else: printc("Invalid installation type", col.FAIL)